Saturday, September 27, 2008


Happy Saturday!

I wanted everyone to know that I will be running an ad in the Fall issue of Faerie Magazine on the Artists Corner page and will also have my "Snowy Forest Fairy" (see her pic below) Limited Edition print appearing on the 'giveaway' page. One lucky winner will recieve a free print which will be hand-embellished and signed and numbered by me.

I ran an ad in Faerie Magazine in the second issue and am so amazed at how even more amazing it has become. Anyone who loves fairies and fantasy, this is the magazine for you! The Autumn issue can be found in Barnes and Noble shelves in mid-October.


  1. Michelle! That is SOOOOOOO cool! Congratulations! I have thought about you think they would want my type of fairy work in there? Maybe I'd be better off with a PET magazine, lol!!!

  2. Jenna, Your work would ABSOLUTELY fit in there. You definately should advertise.

    I thought my art wouldnt fit in but people who like fantasy read it so your work is perfect! You can get it at Barnes and Noble. Its a really neat magazine and alot of the Fairy Society artists advertise there.

    You gutta! :)

  3. lol, well.....after the 'furnace crisis' is over and Christmas pressies are done, then I think I will HAVE to look into it, lol. Thank you!

  4. Uh, oh, the furnace crisis doesnt sound good!
