Sunday, October 12, 2008


One of my favorite things about being an artist is having my own little "shop" set up at an art show, having people come by to visit, look at my art and to hear how my art makes them feel happy and uplifted.

I had my booth set up yesterday at the monthly art show in San Juan Capistrano. I had lots of little girls stop by with their parents. One of my favorites little friends came by to visit again. I feel like we became friends a couple of months ago when her Mom and Dad shared the booth next to me at the show. She was sketching in her booth and we shared each other's drawings and I encouraged her to keep up her artwork and talked to her about art school and how much I loved it. When she came back to visit and to say hello yesterday, I let her and her friend sit down and look thru my sketchbook ( I never let anyone do that!)

I felt a connection with her, being fellow artists and that maybe I am her art mentor in a small way, but mostly because I saw myself at her age, a bit shy, and loving to loose myself in my drawing. I told her to visit anytime and hope she stops by again, she made my day!

If it wasnt for the art show I would be seriously depressed since the Sox lost last night after a great fight! Cant wait till you guys get back to Fenway for tomorrow's Game 3! Go Sox!!


  1. Michelle,

    Your art is enchanting and you are an inspiration.

    I really enjoyed looking at your etsy site and also reading about how you have connected with the children who have been visiting your booth at local art shows.
    Your energy and kindness really shines through in this post as I am sure it does when you are sharing with these litle girls.

    How fortunate they are to have you opening up to them and allowing them the opportunity to see inside of your world.

    I'm really loving your colors and composition.


  2. There is alot to be said for that 'Connection' Michelle as i'm sure you already know.The bigger picture knows more than we do about why we make the connections we do with the people we do and it's important in some way for each or all of us.Glad you had a good day and look forward to hearing from you:-)

  3. Art is definitely an outlet for most artists! I love the concept of using my imagination to make something that will bring a smile to someone! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you all for your lovely comments. One of my goals is to be a mentor to young girls and to make that special connection with as many people as possible thru my art. I know I can change the world in a positive way, even if its only a small change.
