Wednesday, October 8, 2008


When the going gets know the rest. Some days I wake up and feel so defeated because of the lack of sales and just want to eat a big giant chocolate cake for breakfast! Today was one of those mornings. But lately, I have felt that when I do wake up in this frame of mind, I dont let myself get out of bed until I have changed my attitude. As I lay there dreaming of what kind of frosting I wanted with my cake I decided that today will be a day full of possibilities and I would take some action to get my work known.
I made a list of my goals and what I have to do to get there. So when I checked my email I had 2 invites to new business networking sites. I joined immediately and had a wonderful person email me a beautiful quote that inspired me to take the next action.
I feel so powerful now and know that there is no doubt in my mind that I am doing the right thing and that I was put here to share my art with the world.
So instead of cake I had a healthy omelette and made some new online business connections! Today has just started and I feel there are many more possibilities in the air! Hope your day is the same!
Michelle :)

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