Thursday, October 2, 2008


Happy October! Oh, my favorite time of year! I love seeing all of the Halloween decorations, the pumkins and a few fairies fluttering around town ; ) This time of year makes me so happy (except it was 90 here yesterday - HELLO!) I love Halloween, love the fall and most of all I love the baseball playoffs/World Series! Especially when the Red Sox are in it and last night they won Game 1 against the Angels! Thanks Jason, thanks Ellsbury (the jack rabbit), Thanks Big Papi, Yuk and most importantly, Thanks Lester for an amazingly brilliant game! Love you guys!

So before the game excitement I sketched out my Xmas Fairy (better name coming soon!) and I am almost ready to start inking her. I am determined to get her finished by next Sat. for my monthly art show. I am also participating in another show in Dec. and will be posting the details for that one.

Have a wonderful and creative day! Go Sox!

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