Saturday, October 25, 2008


I am so happy to be posting again! I havent been here in days and I feel like I'm back home again! Yay!
I have had an insane week with petsitting, just non-stop. I also have been staying overnight with 2 dogs that are keeping me up most of the night. They are Lilly Beth the one eyed snoring Shitzu and Julie the pacing black lab. As sleep deprived as I am, I love these two little munchkins. Its been about 3 years that I have taken care of Julie but Lilly Beth was just rescued and she is a little character. She sleeps in her big playpen with all of her stuffed animals.
Aside from the lack of sleep, I did manage to do work on my little Halloween sketch. I am determined to finish her by Halloween! Hope you enjoy her. Wish me luck, tonight is my last night with my little girlfriends!
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Oooo, she looks like a fun one. Can't wait to see her in color.

    BTW: Thanks for adding my blog to your list.

  2. Morning Michelle,

    Missed you this week but glad to hear that all is well with you bar lack of time and sleep. Look forward to seeing your finished peice. Happy Halloween :-)

  3. She's cute! I hear you on the lack of sleep but for me it is always at least one of my 3 little boys! Arrrggghhhh! :o) Amy

  4. Thanks, you guys! I am grateful for your support of my art (I support you, too!) and of my lack of sleep! So nice to be back with all of my friends (human friends that is :))
