Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I wanted to let everyone know that I am appearing on 2 pages in the Autumn issue of Faerie Magazine, now available at Barnes and Noble.

"Snowy Forest Fairy" Hand-Embellished Limited Edition Print is on page 13, the giveaway page. She will be given away in December to a lucky winner. So please get your copy and enter to win! It is a beautiful issue.

I also have an ad on the Artists Corner page (page 82). More on the art show tomorrow!

Have a creative day,

Michelle :)


  1. Hi Michelle,
    That's so great about your art show!

    I have nominated you for the uber amazing blog award. Check out details on my blog.

    Tashai :)

  2. Thank you Tashai, how sweet of you to add me to your blog, I'm honored! :)
