Thursday, November 20, 2008


Living in California makes it a bit difficult for me to get into the Christmas spirit every year (especially since its been over 80 degrees all month!) but I am enjoying the lovely lights that are being put up all over lately and that has been getting me in the mood.

I was thinking back when I was in High School, my Dad and I decided to make our own ornaments. We went to the lumber yard and picked out some thick wood, brought it home and I drew my little stars, angels, reindeer and trees on the wood and he cut them out in the basement in our little workshop!

We put holes at the top of each ornament and then put some string thru each one. They came out so great and I still have them. My dad has been gone for almost 15 years but I am so glad I have that memory of him. We both shared a Christmas birthday together (yep, we were both born on Christmas) and that was always another fond memory of blowing out the candles on our cake together.

What is your favorite Christmas memory? I'd love to hear! :)


  1. My favorite memory is Mom playing old Bing Crosby and Johnny Mathis records as we sang along and baked dozens and DOZENS of Christmas cookies!

  2. How nice!I dont know if I could ever be where its hot for Christmas and miss some snow.But I guess it all in what your used to.Im sure if a Prince charming came my way, maybe I would give in LOL. My favorite Christmas memory is when my mom got her fist stereo from my Dad.I guess it was so special cause he and I planned it together,shoping for it and then when it came over to my grandparents we brought it over and put a huge red bow on it.

  3. My parents played the Bing Crosby (with the Andrew Sister's) Christmas album too! Oh, baking cookies to that is such a great memory for me, too! Thanks for sharing that memory, Jenn!

    Becky,I'm with ya, I SO miss the east coast this time of year! It doesnt ever seem like Christmas to me without snow. Thanks for sharing that great memory! :)

  4. I think my favorite Christmas memory was the year I got a talking Drowsy doll...back in the 1960's, they were popular.( I am giving away my age!) You pull a string and they talk....anyway, that doll was long gone and one day I went to a yard sale a few years back and found one exactly like her -albeit it was not an original, but still just like the one I had. I still have her on my book shelf!
