Friday, November 7, 2008


I was out dogwalking at the crack of dawn the other day when it was so nice and quiet and still, a time when you can think! I dont know why but I started thinking about when I was little and loved to play "store" in my room at home. I had a white bookshelf that was long and low to the ground so it looked like store bookshelves. I would empty it, drag it into my closet and put things on it to sell to my brothers (they mostly just harrassed me :)) or my friends in the neighborhood.

I loved that feeling of selling my things, getting paid and giving back money (monopoly money). I guess that's why I love my Etsy shop and doing art shows. I can decorate my booth any way I want and its my little store. Its just so much fun.

I was also thinking how much fun it would be to have my own store (a real store). To be able to decorate it with twinkling fairy lites and all of my artwork and lots of other merchandise with my art on it. I would have a big "fairy" tree in the middle of the store that I could decorate from season to season. I would love to have a corner for milk and cookies and hot chocolate and another for art classes for little girls to learn how to draw fairies! I would always play fun and inspirational music that makes you feel good and the whole store would be filled with enchantment!

What is your childhood dream? What did you like doing when you were a kid? Are you doing it now? Hope so :)



  1. Michelle, please don't tease me. I love your shop it is my shop too.A friend of mind,from childhood and i talked quite a bit about setting up a craft/coffee shop so we could kill too birds with one stone and hold crafting mornings for mums with children at school to give them time out from the usual routines amongst other things. I would still love my own store to sell crafting goodies, unique crafts like yours and it would be my fairy haven. Why do you live so far away????

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Michelle, Actually I loved playing store as well. But I never thought of having my own one day. What was the fascination with that really? My brother and I would play store all the time.It was really fun,LOL,We had a cash register and sometimes bought some candy to pretend we were selling, or glasses of lemonaide.Im a nurse now and far from owning my own store, but thanks for bringing back some special memeories.Have a nice day!

  4. When i stopped and thought about it we, my sister and i also played shops as children.Mum collected endless packets from groceries and then we set up shop, in the garden is all i remember. My mum was also brilliant with setting up shop at home. When it was pocket money day which i beleive was Saturday she set out margerine tubs in the kitchen with various sweets in and we bought them with our pocket money, it was one of the most enjoyable things and i guess mean't we weren't going to shops on our own. All good fun :-)

  5. You guys are awesome, I LOVE reading your stories! Thank you for sharing your lovely memories! What imaginations we all had as kids, (and now :)) no wonder we all grew up to be artists, huh?!?

    Kerri, I love your craft/coffee shop idea, really cool! I wish we were close enough to have coffee together :)

    Becky, glad I could bring back some of your nice memories with your brother :)

  6. Thank you, Terisa, I want to shop there, too :)
