Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Happy New Year my dear friends! I hope you all had wonderful holidays and are enjoying the new year. Back to work! (or should I say play?!? at least for me it is!)

I have been SWAMPED with my petsitting/dogwalking business but hope to be back to blogging in the next couple of weeks!

Until then, fill me in on your holiday plans, what did you guys do? What did Santa bring you? Did any of your dreams come true? What are your goals and Enchanted Inspirations for the new year!?! Please share!

As for me, I have lots of new sketches just waiting to jump off the page for 2009. The Love Fairy, a wedding cake topper illustration and a kissing couple for Valentines Day, a new mermaid portrait, and lots more Enchanted Inspirations!

Michelle :)


  1. Hey Michelle, lovely to have you back i have so missed you and your blog. Today my son is 3, it's been a bit of a double whammy as we celebrated on Sunday as my hubby gets in quite late so today we've opened presents from others and Brett has been up all day. Feels like we've been up two days. This year a friend of mine said i should 'beleive in myself' so that is what i am going to do. Alongside that i have some ideas janggling around in my pocket waiting for the time to explore them including my writing. Heres to it and a good nights sleep :-)

  2. Hi Michelle,
    Love the sketch you posted! This year is going to be Grand! I can just feel it!

    Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,
    P.S. Stop by my blog and come celebrate my Blogiversary giveaway!!

  3. Hi Michelle,I love the pic on this blog.

  4. Hi Michelle,
    I had some nice time off from our jobs with my hubby. Still found ourselves "doing" to much. We need to have a vacation away from home to really relax. lol.

    Can't wait to see more of your fairies.

  5. Hi Michelle! Thanks for coming to visit! I can't wait to see all the creations your sweet imagination comes up with in 2009! Happy New Year!

    Lisa :)

  6. So great to hear from all of you! Thank you for stopping by and posting, you all made my day!

    Michelle :)))

  7. Happy Birthday to your little boy, Kerri! I think believing in yourself is exactly what we all need to do! Hope you get some sleep! :)

  8. Hi Michelle...Thanks for stopping by Blog Around the World. Just wanted to let you knowt that you are all linked up!

  9. Hi Michelle! Thanks for stopping by! Love the colors in your work! can't wait to see your new 2009 art!
