Monday, February 2, 2009


Love is in the air....well, at least in my sketchbook! I have been drawing kissing couples, brides and grooms and love letters all over the pages of my sketchbook lately and have just about filled it up!

I also have been having fun with calligraphy and lettering again. (I won a penmanship award in 4th grade!) I have always loved calligraphy and writing so I want to incorporate more of my own handwriting into my art, like the word Love I posted here.

What have you been up to in YOUR sketchbook these days? Would love to hear all about your adventures there! :)


  1. Lovely sketches! I've tried to put my own handwriting on my work, too. I have terrible handwriting, though and completely gave up! Now I stick with stamps. Have a great time with it!

  2. Way cool. Love your work (especially the word-art . . . that always touches me!) The kissing image is oober-cool too but it makes me think of mono and other diseases spread by swapping saliva. LOL.

  3. I love your work! You're very talented.

  4. How nice that you are so filled with love..... Your kissing couple is sweet. I really like your artistic style. It is fun to read your Blog.

  5. Ahhh love in your sketchbook! The wee couple kissing is adorable.
    My own sketchbook, as of late (despite all the crocheting I've been doing, I make time to sketch one or more hours a day) Hearts!
    Hearts, and more hearts. Oh and robots. I don't know why either.
    I've got to snap a photo/scan of these pages and upload.
    But to answer your question, hearts and robots, oh and frogs.
    I wonder if there's a connection to them all. LOL

  6. Thank you all so much for your comments. I so enjoy reading them and appreciate your words. I hope you all have a wonderfully creative day. I will be posting alot more sketches this week!


    Michelle :)

  7. All your drawings are so beautiful. I sure do wish that I could draw like that. You have a wonderful talent and you do so much with it.
    Many blessings to you.

  8. I have actually been sketching a lot but mostly to record ideas. So they don't look like much to anyone but me. Now I need to focus and work!

  9. Thank you everyone for your nice comments. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog and most of all for commenting on my posts. Really means alot!

    Michelle :)

  10. Hi Michelle ! I tag you on my blog ! Have a nice day xoxoxox Kardif
