I have been feeling so whiny lately about my artistic goals and when I get that way, I find the best thing is to write 5 pages of what I am grateful for, so I did. And I could have written more!
I also wrote in my journal and asked for help with my artistic goals and for guidance with my art career and life in general. I began by making a list of what it is I really want in life and what my strenghts are.
The words, "Goals to Greatness" came to me and I began writing about what my greatness is and what goals I would like to achieve, telling myself that the sky is the limit and to Think Bigger than I usually do.
One dream of mine is to be a licensed artist with Papyrus. I love their cards and designs and pretended that my card line was in Target and in beautiful card stores all over the country. (I was also on Oprah and on Good Morning America!)
I drew this birthday card sketch as well, I hope you like it! And remember to Dream Bigger than you think you can imagine, it is so much fun!
Have a wonderful enchanting week everyone!
Michelle :)