Friday, September 30, 2022


 Hi friends,

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying some lovely Fall weather, it’s my favorite season but it’s still pretty warm here in Southern California still.

I have been taking a bit of a social media break since August and on my time off felt a little restless so I started a YouTube channel a couple of weeks ago and I’ve really been enjoying making the videos.

Since I started creating online art classes in 2020 on Skillshare I discovered how much I love filming and editing and everything in between so creating YouTube videos have been so much fun! I have some painting videos as well as a FREE LESSON from one of my SKILLSHARE classes already posted.

Here is my first video:

I hope you’ll check out my new channel, if you like what you see so far please hit the SUBSCRIBE button

Here is a painting from this weeks video:

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!



Friday, July 8, 2022


 Hello Friends,

I can’t believe how much time has gone by since I’ve last blogged. So much has happened, good and bad. My Mom passed, Covid hit, I lost 90% of my Petsitting business and I had cancer. But I wouldn’t have changed any of it because I think it’s made me stronger and my faith has grown. Everything has been a part of God’s plan.

I hope and pray that you are all well and that you have been creating lots of beautiful things over the last few years.

During the Covid lockdown I was looking for something to divert my attention from the news so I decided to create and publish a class on SKILLSHARE and I discovered how much I loved teaching. So I created 3 more classes and have loved every minute.

During the time when I was caregiving for my Mom who had Dementia, I watched hours and hours of Skillshare classes to keep me in the painting loop. I was way too exhausted to paint much so I just watched painting classes. After my Mom passed I looked at the hours I had watched and decided it was time to make my own class. It has been a wonderful experience.

I was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2020. I had surgery and then went through months of chemo. As I was recovering last year I drew my first “Jesus Girl” as I call them and I’ve been painting them ever since.

I’ve also started painting florals in acrylic and mixed media and love working with so many beautiful, bright colors and textures.

I’ve been posting a lot on Instagram these days but it feels really good to be writing again.

Please let me know how you are doing, what you are working on creating, I’d love to hear from you!

God bless you,


Monday, September 23, 2019


Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed your your summer and are enjoying some cooler fall weather today, Happy Fall!

I wanted to let you know the changes happening at Michelle Perkett Studio that have been happening over the last year. My licensing contract has ended with Sparkle N Sprinkle, the owner is retiring this fall and has closed their online shop for good so my contract with them is now at an end. I have enjoyed every minute of designing for them over the last 5 years, especially with their designers who always made such cute rubber stamp sets from my images.

My rubber stamp sets  will no longer be available but I will still be selling some digital stamps at my Etsy shop but they will be limited. I will be having a retirement sale soon for some of my older stamps to make room for something new...

Some of the new offerings at my shop starting next month will be art prints, cards and stickers of my floral inspirational art that I have been working on this year as well as some new downloadables. You can check out my work on my INSTAGRAM PAGE HERE.

Also, I will be making some changes to my Facebook page and will be posting my new work there as well as some new digital stamps occasionally.

I wanted to thank you all for being such lovely customers, followers and friends over the last 10 years and for supporting my digital stamp business. I will keep you posted when the new Etsy shop is up and running!

As a thank you I made you a couple of Fall Freebies below to enjoy for your paper crafting, see you soon!



Monday, December 3, 2018


Hello everyone,

I hope are all doing well and have been giving yourselves lots of creative time, even with all the holiday craziness happening this time of year.

2018 has been a very difficult year, my Mom passed away in September and with all of the caregiving over the last couple years and planning her funeral and burial services over the last couple months, its been hard for me to even sit down and focus on drawing but I have managed, with the help and encouragement of Donna Ellis from Sparkle N Sprinkle, to get some new images finished this year and I am so excited to show you some new rubber and digital sets, let me know what you think!

Here are some new single digis that are now 50 % OFF with COUPON CODE MERRY50  NOW THRU WED DECEMBER 5TH AT MIDNIGHT PST and are available at my Etsy shop, here is CHRISTMAS LLAMA digi,

And this pretty little Psalm 139:14 image available HERE:

....and my Sweet Baby Unicorn digi available HERE:

and here is a super cute baby unicorn rubber stamp set from Sparkle N Sprinkle....


and another lovely rubber stamp set....


And now for some super cute digi sets, love these....




I hope you enjoy the new sets and lets hope that 2019 will be a year full of endless creativity for all of us, Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

Christmas Hugs,


Friday, July 20, 2018


Hi everyone,

Hope you are enjoying your summer so far! My Mom is doing pretty well and just had her 91st birthday last month, can't even believe it! She has been as healthy and happy as can be expected and so I have been taking advantage of some creative time over the last month or two.

I have some new digis and digi sets now available at my Etsy shop and am having a 50% OFF SALE NOW THRU NOON SUNDAY, PST - COUPON CODE IS CREATE

the first image/set is...

 "WONDERFULLY MADE. - PSALM 139:14" it includes 3 images, one digital stamp in black and white, and two images in color. There is also a set of 3 digi's,  1 b/w and 2 color jpg's...

here is Bella the Baby Unicorn digital stamp...

and the new digi set, "RAINBOW ROSES" 
 from Sparkle N Sprinkle ....

Christmas Spirit Fairy digital stamp set from Sparkle N Sprinkle...

I really hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them!😀💕

Creative hugs,

Saturday, March 31, 2018


Happy Easter, everyone!

I hope you are enjoying your Easter celebrations filled with the great hope of this season. I made a little something for you for Spring, its a 5x7 mini print called BLOOM and is all set to print and frame, hope you like it.....

I also have two new digital stamps in the shop for Spring as well, the first one is called "BIRDS ON A WIRE" (theyre actually on a tree limb:))

And "FLORAL WREATH" is the next one...

And please come by and say hello on MY INSTAGRAM PAGE, I am posting sketches, new digis and daily sketchbook paintings, its a quick and easy way to post my work and work in progress, so you are welcome anytime:)

Easter Blessing to you all!



Saturday, March 3, 2018


Hi Everyone,

Happy Early Spring! So nice to be back with you and being able to breathe again after the last year caring for my Mom. I'm still caregiving alot and visiting her alot but she has been doing better over the last month so I am trying to catch up on some lost creative time. Last year was extremely difficult for her moving to her new home at Assisted Living, 2 rounds of scabies, 2 falls and being hospitilized with the flu, and her mental health issues as well.

So during the last month or so, she has been physically healthy but mentally a bit more confused, forgetful and anxious but all in all doing very well for 90, thank God for that.

And for the last 15 years I have been living in the same little house and my dear landlord, Chuck just passed away, he was 80 years old, rest in peace, Chuck:)
We both lived on the same property but it will be sold soon so I am anticipating an moving and a new adventure/chapter in my life that I am actually kind of excited about it.

For the last month I have been cleaning, tossing, downsizing, donating alot of stuff and I have to tell you, it was the best thing I've done for myself in a long time. And the result has been so healthy for my creative life.  I have had the time and the energy to create for you 4 new digital stamps for spring and some other fun stuff to share, here are my new images...

First, LULU THE LAMB with a fun little video (sorry its not quite centered, still trying to figure out the video thing) showing how I colored this image with acrylics...

Untitled from Michelle Perkett on Vimeo.

Next is SPRING BOUQUET that would be a great image to use on an Easter Card, Spring wedding or birthday, and is so fun to color....

And next is MORNING BIRDS, a super fun image for Easter cards, birthdays or even Mother's Day....

And last but not least, PEARL THE SEASHELL ANGEL....

And I just recently set up a new page on INSTAGRAM. I've always resisted Instagram because I thought it was just for people who wanted to post their selfie photos but honestly, its a pretty quick and easy way to share my art photos. here is the link, I'd love for you to come on over and visit.....

Hope you guys like the new images:)



Thursday, July 6, 2017


Hi Everyone, 

I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July. I am having a 50% off sale this weekend at my Etsy shop now thru midnight July 9th PST, coupon code is:

I have been doing alot of coloring lately; coloring my digital stamps. Sparkle N Sprinkle has a new website and I have been coloring my digis so they can be added to the new website. Its been so fun and I feel like my little stamps have some new life in them:)

Here is the link to the new site with my RuBber StAMPS and the link to my DiGital StaMpS (more to come)

I have been working with Donna Ellis, super talented crafter, blogger and digital stamp marketing expert in creating some new Digital Stamp Sets, here are a few...

First, my Bloom Grow, Live image now comes with lots of options, color png's as well as black and white digis, so fun....

Digi Stamp Set Bloom Grow Live 3136M

And this super cute Halloween set that has tons of images, colors and sentiments to make Halloween Party invitations, cards and gift bags, I love this one...

Digi Stamp Set Halloween Party 3133M

And this super cute Beach Day digi set, so cute....

Digi Stamp Set Beach Day 3132M

I also have updated my Pinterest Page and have added lots of new pins and boards, including  Art and Craft School with some fun tutorials and how to crafting videos that I hope will inspire you for some summer crafting and a Sketchbook Love board, come by with a cup of tea or coffee and stay a while:)


Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Happy Spring everyone!

I've missed blogging, creating, painting, drawing, sketching a lot and I am finally finding a bit of time finally to do some. Over the past 6 months my Mom has fallen 3 times, been hospitalized for cuts and bruised (but no broken bones thank goodness) and has had a lot of trouble with anxiety and her Demetia is progressing. She will be 90 years old June 5th, God bless her, and still walks everyday.

In December we had to move her to Assisted Living and as some of you probably know its an extremely stressful time for a parent to move out of their home and into a completely different life with total strangers, including a new roommate. My Mom struggled a lot for the first three months but has now settled in and is making new friends and just loves the caretakers and the staff. Its actually become our extended family, I love being there with her, its been a huge blessing to her, she is loved so much there.

I wanted to give you guys a little something for Easter, a little Peter Rabbit image called, Happy Trails, I hope you like him. He is a little tribute to my Mom who loves all the bunnies at Easter time and who still loves to walk everyday:) I am also working on some new rubber stamp sets with Sparkle N Sprinkle so I will be sure to keep you posted on those as well.

I am having a 50% OFF SALE now thru April 17th, 2017, just use COUPON CODE: SPRING17
Come on over to my Etsy shop HERE:)

I've been putting on my crafting hat lately, I think all the DIY pins on Pinterest has helped sprout my creativity in a new way, so much fun! I'm making some little thank you treat bags for the staff at the Assisted Living Home, so fun to make, candy, treat bags and ribbon and some hand made gift tags, will be cute in my Mom's Easter basket as well:)

I got the ribbon and treat bags from DAISO, I don't know if you have one where you live but its my favorite store to go shop in, someone said its like the dollar store on crack, it really is, so fun, they have everything:)

I also started bible art journaling, hand-lettering and working with watercolor and pen and ink in my new moleskin sketchbooks over the past months, it was like therapy while I was trying to deal with my Mom's transition so what has come out of it is the start of a hand painted prayer book for my Mom's 90th birthday in June. Here is a little peek:

I hope you guys are doing well, I would love to hear what you are doing with your creativity so far this year, please feel free to share, see you soon!



Thursday, July 14, 2016


Hi Friends,

Happy Christmas in July!

I hope your summer is going well so far and you are enjoying some down time, vacation getaways or just relaxing with a cold drink by the lake:)

I have missed my blogging time with you all but have been occupied with a bad back (starting physical therapy next week, yay:)) my Mom has been having a few health issues and I have been extra busy with work to save up for a new car soon, my little Mazda has 304,000 miles on it. Can't believe it.

But enough about me, how are you guys doing, would love to hear about your creative adventures:)

I made you a Christmas in July Bouquet freebie, I hope you like it...
I have been doing some commission paintings over the last few months and thought I would share them as well. I have been painting them on canvas and embellishing them with sharpies, glitter paint, really love Martha Stewart's, and sequins, they are so fun to paint, I am really enjoying painting on canvas again.


Have a wonderful day!

