Saturday, May 2, 2009


If you havent ever read one of her books or been to her blog/website I highly recommend SARK's.

I have 2 of her books I bought in the early 90's that started the motivation inside me to become an artist. I still look at them and am inspired. Her latest blog posting is titled, "Ministers of Love" where she spreads love and kindess to people who need it no matter how small.

My little kindness act today was to go into Subway, (no, that wasnt it) and give the gal behind the counter who seems to be always grumpy. I got her to wait on me and I smiled and said thank you in my perkiest happiest way and she smiled back at me. It made my day and I hope I gave her heart a little love, too.

I recommend reading SARK's inspiring post. Hope you will share a story of kindness with us here, I love hearing your inspiring stories! Have a wonderful day and here is a big, happy smile for you all!

Michelle :)

Here is the link:


  1. Morning Michelle, this post was interesting so i stopped by Sarks blog.I could instantly think of two occasions yesterday where i was maybe a 'Minister of Love'. One of my hairdressing clients daughter is expecting twins, her first. She is currently in hospital following a bleed, they are keeping an eye on her but not following through with anything they say. I can speak very loudly from experience about how a bad experience with labour and all that followed so you can imagine i kinda jumped on the bandwaggon a bit. Anway i said when you see her 'Give her a big hug from me and tell her to take no 'insert polite alternative for rubbish lol from anyone' and said i would call her mum in the next couple of weeks so see how things were going. I saw a glimmer of something come over her mums face, surprise maybe but i've been there and have been invited into the lives of the family many times over the years i've been doing mums hair including on the expectant mums wedding day so yeah 'i care' :-)

  2. You've inspired me to do a good deed today! I actually pray everyday that God give the girls and me an opportunity to be kind to people but I think I go about my day and forget. You've inspired me. And since it's Sunday, that's a good thing!

  3. Beautiful blog! I have a gift for you on my blog :)

  4. Thank you all and keep up the good work! So happy to hear your wonderful stories!:)

    Michelle :)

  5. Thank you for my award, Darla! :)
