Monday, July 20, 2009


Dear Friends,
First let me say how lucky I feel everyday to have you all visit with me and how grateful I am for all of your well wishes for me and my little knee injury. Its feeling better because of your lovely words and I want to thank you all somehow.
I wish I could do more but what I am going to do is to give away my newly finished "Sweetie - The Peppermint Christmas Sprite" print to one of you as a thank you.
She has been unfinished for months now and I finally finished her this weekend just in time for Christmas in July and for one of you to win! I havent even listed her on my Etsy shop yet so the winner will be the very first to own her as a print!
All I ask is that you copy and paste her somewhere on your blog along with a link to my blog and come back to this post and let me know that you've placed her little face on your blog.
I will be announcing the winner on August 1st. Good Luck everyone and have a wonderful week full of creativity and joy!
Michelle :)


  1. Seasons Greetings Michelle, hope your knee is getting better. I have of course added Sweetie to Constellations and would love to be included in your giveaway what a perfect day to draw it too, my birthday lol :-)

  2. Thank you, Kerri, you are the first to enter the contest!

  3. Thank you Lee Beth, I appreciate that. And how cool is it that you and your fiance are both artists, you guys look so cute together!

    Michelle :)

  4. Michelle, hope you are feeling better with your knee....I have issues with my knees too so I can relate!
    This is a beautiful print and I have added it to my blog for you. Thank you for the opportunity to win some of your gorgeous creations.

  5. Michelle, I linked back to your blog in my posting today, showing your darling fairie sketch. Thanks so much! Nancy

  6. Thank you, Charlotte!I will add you to the list, so sorry to hear that you have knee problems too. :(

    Here's a happy fairy hug for your knee!


  7. Thank you, Nancy! I cant wait to see your embroidered blouse when its finished, so creative!

  8. And the winner is..........

    Kerri from Constellations and Ivy's Attic! So happy you have won and wow, its your birthday today, how cool is that?

    Thank you all for adding Sweetie to your blog, I so appreciate you going to all that trouble.

    I will be giving away more goodies in August!

    Michelle :)

  9. Wow Michelle, how absolutely wonderful perfect on my birthday too. So exciting, can't wait, thanks so much :-)
