Friday, August 21, 2009


I just posted "The Four Seasons" Digital Stamp set (Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter) at my Etsy shop. These are one of the first designs I created when I started my line in 2004. I always envisioned "Summer" as a rubber stamp design and now here she is, I am just so excited about it!

I am so thrilled about my new adventures as a rubber stamp designer. I have been drawing all week after I finish with my dog walks.

My favorite channel on Sirius satellite is The Bridge ( I love Spa, too). My creative bliss has been bubbling over this week, listing to my music and sketching stamp designs. I am designing some Christmas designs for the same company in Florida who is currently producing some of my fairy designs into rubber. Will let you know when they are available on her site.

Since I started my line in 2004 I have always said that I am going to create what I want, and not what someone else wants. Being the stubborn little Irish girl that I am, I vowed never to even create any trendy type of artwork, but to keep creating what makes me happy.

Well, I may have changed that way of thinking a bit over the last year, creating a few new holiday designs. I LOVE holidays and I LOVE creating holiday designs and I am even loving sketching cupcakes in my little sketchbook, too! It makes me happy, truly blissful, so I will keep doing what I'm doing it for now!

I think its a heathly thing to try new avenues and change a bit. Its called evolving or growing as an artist, I think, even though I have been fighting it for almost a year now! It feels so good, I am busting with joy and cant wait to get my pencil out and start sketching more of my little friends!

Have you had any blissful creative moments this week? I would LOVE to hear, your comments are always so beautiful to me. Hope you are all having a wonderful week!

Michelle :)


  1. I absolutely love your 4 seasons designs... gorgeous! X

  2. Its so nice to hear you sounding so enthusiastic Michelle, not that you ever sound down but this is a new enthu and i'm so pleased that something has fallen into place and sparked so much enthusiasm and creativity. I must admit i feel quite enthused having had my first sale on Etsy this week and with all the festivities fast approaching i want to be prepared so sew sew sew :-)

  3. Your sketches are fantastic. Love these 4 seasons designs. Can't hardly wait to see what's next.

  4. Sounds like things are zipping along as they should! Well Done!

  5. Thank you all so much for your comments, I SO enjoy reading them. You are all such angels to me!

    Michelle :)

  6. Hi Michelle,
    Thank you for visiting my blog because I have now found yours. Your artwork is enchanting. I love it. I feel that I can connect with it. It must be because we share Celtic blood.Will it be available in Britain?
    Fiona x

  7. Thank you, Fiona! We definately share Celtic blood, I have so always wanted to visit Scotland. How lucky you are to live in such a beautiful place! I would be happy to ship you anything you like!

    Michelle :)

  8. Hi Michelle, These digis are so beautiful! I just repasted the one from Priscilla's blog. And its working fine now :) xox ~Jeni

  9. A lovely blog Michelle, really pretty images and loads of exiting art and craft adventures! :)

  10. Those are great! You are so talented.

  11. Your digital stamps are gorgeous!!! I've ever used digital stamps before but these make me want to learn how to!!

  12. Michelle, I just wanted to say a huge Thank You for allowing the MMDT to use your beautiful images for this weeks challenge. I loved using the Enchanted slumber one so has become my favorite card! I know I will be using the other images too later on.
    Many thanks and big hugs,

  13. Oh, Thank you, Jeni! So glad the image is okay now!

    Michelle :)

  14. thank you, Bee! I think your blog is absolutely adorable. I love the borders with all of your cute characters! I will be adding you to my blog roll!

    Michelle :)

  15. Thank you, Viv! I love your blog banner!

    Michelle :)

  16. Oh, Charlotte, thank you so much for the opportunity. You gals are so talented! I just cant believe how beautiful my little girl friends are!

    Michelle :)

  17. Thank you so much, Juliette. Your art is gorgeous!

    Michelle :)

  18. These are just beautiful. I love your free and whimsical style!

  19. Thank you so much, Crissy, your blog is a place that I will be visiting often. Your cards are wonderful!

    Michelle :)
