Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hello Friends!

I hope you are all having a wonderful and creative week.

I just finished inking my "Love Fairy" and listed her as a digital stamp design. (along with "Holly the Christmas Friendship Fairy")

I originally designed "Love Fairy" in February for a Valentines Day card/print set but never finished her in time. She has been nudging me from time to time since then to finish inking her. And in that time she has become so much more to me than a cute Valentines Day card. She has become a part of my life with the words that I wrote to go along with her.

Over the past months since I fell and fractured my knee, which is much better now, I spent alot of time alone and with my journals. I love to journal as you know and have gratitude, abundance, affirmation, creative dreams and love journals I write in whenever I can.

What I have been writing about in my love journal lately is the I love me, I love Michelle Perkett! It sounds silly but I have taken that love from the pages of my journal and have made myself say the same words to myself every morning in the mirror, and really mean it! I have come to smile and laugh now when I say these words because they so make me feel great!

I have added more "mirror affirmations" everyday and I even kiss the mirror (sometimes with my lipstick on!) so I give myself extra love! I intend to do this everyday and encourage you to do the same thing. After all, as The Love Fairy wants us all to know, if we dont love ourselves how can we share it with the world?

I now share my love today and everyday with all of you, thank you so much for your love back to me that you share with me everyday! I appreciate every one of you!

Michelle :)

ps - here is the link to the love fairy:



  1. Michelle I am so happy you finished off the love fairy! She is perfect! I am also glad you knee is all better! You are doing fantastically well with your esty shop too! All I can see is sold out!! So lovely to read your post!! ((hugs))

  2. You have to love YOU before you can love anything/one else. Good for you. So happy your knee is well. You GO!

  3. Oh, what a lovely post! Sound like a great way of finding happiness and contentment with yourself...I should try this more often;-)
    And a beautiful love fairy too...

  4. Well said! I love that fairy too! Girl, you are something!

  5. Hi Claire!

    You are SO sweet! Thank you so much for your kind words. I know your support has helped me heal my little knee fracture faster! Big hug to you, too!

    Michelle :)

  6. I know, you are so right, Snap. It a day to day process for me but I'm starting to have fun with it!

    michelle :)

  7. Thank you, Annette. Yes, try it, its really fun!

    Your work is lovely!

    Michelle :)

  8. Sue, you are a doll, thank you!

    michelle :)

  9. Lovely! So glad I "discovered" you :-) I am a follower now!

  10. You have the key right there, compassion, especially for yourself is the most healing balm. Knees are hard to heal, I hope you have great speed in your recovery. So many blessings to you from Amy
