Saturday, October 3, 2009


Good Morning friends! Today is "World Card Making Day"

In honor of this day, I am making my "Water" digital stamp available to anyone who would like to use her as a card design (she will only be available Saturday, October 3rd for free, Sorry, she is now officially unavailable 10/4)

I have chosen her because her theme is Abundance and I have seen so much of it in my life thru my blog daily for a year now. I feel so lucky everyday to read such beautiful comments from old and new friends and to visit all of your beautifully creative blogs and to be inspired by your wonderful and magical work. (play, really :))

I would love for you to make a beautiful card from my "Water" goddess and would love to see how you use her!

Happy Card Making and Happy Creating to all of you today!

Michelle :)


  1. Michelle, how generous of you, i would love to take you up on this generous offer and see how she inspires me. Thanks too for your kind comments about my latest painting, so kind of you. 'World card making day' that's a new one on me but i have been sorting through my craft draws today and noticing all the things i haven't touched of late but to be honest my mind is boggling with so much creativity. Do you supposed creativity breeds more creativity, i have just been doodling more faces and i don't do faces. I feel someone or something is giving me new found faith. Lots of love to you my friend :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this image with us. Since starting my blog, I have felt an abundance of love, friendship and support from so many talented artists. All of your images are such an inspiration to me. I think I might make this image into a framed picture for my craft room. The sentiment is perfect.

  3. Thanks for the beautiful image, when i use it I will certainly link it to you blog. Your artwork is stunning.

  4. That's really sweet...thank you SO much!

  5. Congrats, Michelle, on reaching your one year of blogging, know it's not easy to make time. "World card making day" is new to me, so thank you for sharing your work and this new event :)

  6. Michelle, how generous of you! I love your art work it is really beautiful! I did not know it was card making day, I will make a card!

  7. This is so generous of you sharing your work, I will display your stamp proudly.It is such a lovely message, you are such a beacon of talent, well done! Sharon xxxooo

  8. This is wonderful. Thank you for the beautiful digi stamp.

  9. Thank you! Since my sign is Aquarius = water bearer, this is especially meaningful for me!

  10. I Just found your Autumn image today and from there I found your blog! I LOVE it! Your creations are powerful!

  11. OH WOW Michelle! She is beautiful!

  12. Oh Michelle that is so kind of you. The stamps is gorgeous and I shall certainly be having a go later today hopefully.
    Happy card making day!
    Lesley x

  13. Oh, Kerri, that is so great to hear! Yes, I believe that absolutely the more you create the more beautiful ideas come to you. It has been happening to me, too. Could the full moon be a part of this, too?!? Love to you, too, and keep up the inspiration and passion for what you are doing!

    Michelle :)

  14. Terri, thank you so much, I would be honored to have Water on your craft room wall. I know what you mean, blogging here has been a gift to me as well!

    Michelle :)

  15. Thank you, Pinky, I cant wait to see! Your cards are so beautiful!

    Michelle :)

  16. You are welcome, Char! Thanks for stopping by!

    Michelle :)

  17. Thank you, Sharon. I know, I wish I had more time to spend here, I really do, because I love it but it makes my time more special when I do! Thanks for stopping by!

    Michelle :)

  18. Thats awesome, Claire, I would love to see your card when you're finished!

    Michelle :)

  19. Wow, thank you, Sharon, I REALLY appreciate that!

    Michelle :)

  20. You are so welcome Sharon (Lil Princess, Sharon that is - lots of Sharon's here today :))

    Michelle :)

  21. You are so welcome Sharon (Lil Princess, Sharon that is - lots of Sharon's here today :))

    Michelle :)

  22. Oh, thats perfect, Amy, I'm so glad she has special meaning for you!

    Michelle :)

  23. Thanks so much, Tink! I appreciate that, and welcome!

    Michelle :)

  24. Oh, thanks so much Sandra, that means alot coming from such a talented illustrator!

    Michelle :)

  25. Hi Lesley,

    So glad you were able to help celebrate with us. Cant wait to see how you decorate Water. Your work is so lovely!

    Michelle :)
