Sunday, November 22, 2009


Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are all getting your creative time in somewhere this weekend! I know its a terribly busy time of year for all of us!

I was sketching in my jammies this morning, one of my favorite activities, and was inspired by a little angel on my shelf. I still have a ceramic light switch cover from my room when I was a baby. It is one of my most cherished items. It has a little praying angel in the clouds with a gold halo and has become my own little guardian angel over the years and is a special keepsake from the house where I grew up in Massachusetts.

I drew my new little "Sleepytime Angel" and will be inking her today as a new digital stamp design!

Do you guys still have anything special keepsakes from your childhood ? Dolls? blankets? toys? I'd love to hear all about them!:)


  1. She is such a cutie! I still have the hand embroidered baby blanket my great grandmother made for me, a pink teddy bear given to me when I was born plus numerous antiques that were from my family. Nothing worth much except to me and my memories... that's what's important though! :)

  2. Wow Michelle. I wish I could just and draw like you.
    I still have my childhood bear. I got it for my first birthday and it was a lot bigger than me. It is a big pink bear that I tried to carry him (I know HIM and it's pink!)around but kept falling over. His name is 'Big Ted' of course.
    Kylie xo

  3. I love it. How sweet it would be to make something for the kids room with it.

    I don't really have a lot of things from when I was little, but I do keep some of the special things for my kids. I have blessing clothes, stuffed animals, etc...

  4. Beautiful, Michelle! And what a sweet keepsake and memory!

  5. She is so adorable, dear! Oh, I still keep a lot of my teddy bears in the's a secret:)

  6. Brandi, those are such precious items! You're so right, they are worth the world to you and that is what matters!:)

  7. Oh, Rhonda I would love it if you made something for your childrens room with this image! Love that you have lots of the kids items, hold on to them!:)

  8. Hi Kylie!

    Oh, big Ted sounds so cute!! Thank you fro sharing with me!:)

  9. Hi Julie! Thank you so much! You are such a sweetheart!:)

  10. Hi Sher! Oh, I'd love to see your bear collection! I bet theyre adorable!:)
