Saturday, September 17, 2011


I wanted to share a little "sneek peek" of my Autumn Moon Venus image with you, I am so excited about this one! She was inspired by Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" painting, one of my all time favorites.

Its been weeks since I've had the time to sit and play at my drawing table and I had the whole day today to ink, it was awesome!

I still have some cleanup to do but I wanted to share this with you anyway:) She should be available at my Etsy Shop tomorrow so I'll keep you posted!

I've also drawn a cute little sprite called, Ashely the Autumn Sprite that I think you might like, too! Hope you are all having a wonderful and creative weekend so far!


  1. Michelle I am waiting with baited breath for you to release this one!!!!!!! I'll be straight over to the shop when you release it!

  2. Beautiful. I´ll do some shopping in your stamping-boutique later this month! :)
    Have a great sunday!

  3. Hi Rhonda, Thank you, I'm so glad you like her:)

    Hi Sharon - Thank you so much, she is in the shop and thank you for being so patient with me!

    Hi Susan - Thank you, she will be waiting for you:)
