Thursday, November 3, 2011


This week has not been the best week for drawing, inking or for sketching creativity so I thought I would try writing today for a change. Since I started Michelle Perkett Studio in 2004 I have recieved so many wonderful comments about my work and I have been grateful for all of them, whether they were from someone at an art faire, commenting on my blogs, or on one of my online groups. They are the reason why I have kept creating even through the many highs and lows of being an artist.

The other day I recieved a letter from a wonderful new Etsy customer that I just had to share with all of you, it has touched me as an artist so much, I hope it touches you as well:

"Michelle, I just wanted to share something with you. Yesterday was a stressful day, to say the least.I decided to color some of your beautiful ladies (digital stamp images). Even with having to deal with all the nonsense, I realized that I was smiling to myself. Then I realized that my hands stopped shaking.The wonderful energy that you put in each of your blessed creations, poured thru, and made me feel better. Then I realized that even my pain level had lessened a bit.I really can't thank you enough. Michelle, finding you is a blessing.Thank you & may you receive the joy & love that you have given to others."

This is one of the nicest letters I have ever recieved as an artist and to know that my art helped to make someone feel better and to brighten someone's day is such a gift. As she wrote in her letter, "finding you is a blessing" - to me, she is MY blessing and I am so grateful for her words. Thank you so much for your beautiful letter!



  1. What a wonderful letter to receive. I'm sure it just made your day. I can relate, so often I find I can't help but be happy as I color one of your images. Hugs, Rhonda

  2. Beautiful letter and no truer words have been spoken!! Your images sure does lighten the spirit, is a joy to color and has made me smile too just looking at them...........:))
    You are such a talented artist i know my life is 'richer' since 'meeting' you and getting to know your images, so don't stop, please!!
    My fav is still your avatar pic, just so stunning!
    lotsa luv

  3. Michelle, that is lovely and obviously double barreled in that you helped her and her kind words helped you. How lovely. Happy November my friend. The countdown is truly on x

  4. It's so nice when something you've created has made a difference to someone in some way. You sometimes meet that kind individual that is grateful for anything

    Here was my post where I gave my friend a painting for him.

  5. Thank you, Rhonda, I appreciate your lovely comments, it does my heart good to hear that you feel happy coloring my images:)

    Thank you Theresa, you are so sweet, that means alot, I'm so glad they made you smile!

    Thank you my beautiful friend, Kerri, I know you must be thrilled that your favorite season is on the way! Happy November to you, too!

    Thank you Maid, I appreciate your comments and thanks for sharing your lovely story:)

  6. Beautiful Michelle! Thank you for sharing!

  7. What a fabulous letter to receive! And I can second that emotion! Ever since I discovered your art Michelle, and created my collection, and enjoyed the thrill of being part of your design team, I know that every time I coloured an image, I was smiling too!
    You have a wonderful gift, and it keeps on giving, because you share it with the world!
    And we love your for that!

    I'm sure that if you ever put your pencil down for good, that will be the day the sun stops shining in California...
    hugs and blessings,

  8. PS: since my email was hacked and the account was reset, I lost many of my email addresses.... including yours... would you send me an email? I've a question to ask.... thanks Michelle!
    hugs and blessings,

  9. Your shared content is really nice...
    I am stunned to see your expertise and done work...


  10. Thank you so much, Daisy!

    Thank you sweet Pauline! Your words are truly a blessing to me and so appreciated!

    Thank you, Britto, I really appreciate your kind words:)

  11. Fantastic letter you got Michelle, but she's right, your images are magic! =)
    Hugs, Elenor

  12. Why am I not a bit surprised? Because you are a beautiful person, I knew that the first time we chatted. :) xo

  13. The words are just right.
    I didn't have words to say How I just feel when I saw your images, Just smile come to my face.
    LOve it!!!!!

  14. Thank you, Elenor, I so appreciate your nice words and for stopping by its always so nice to have a visit from you:)

    Thank you, Jenn, that is so nice of you to say, I think you're pretty awesome, too:) Thanks so much for your lovely comments, always!

    Hi Renkata, Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment, I appreciate that!

  15. I agree - colouring in your babies really does feel therapeutic!
