Saturday, December 3, 2011


Hi all! I have been busy lately working on a couple of things, the first is a birthday gift that I finally framed for a friend and I added diamond Stickles glitter glue to the print and the outside of the frame, this was so much fun I'm working on some little ATC's of the same for my Etsy shop:)

And I finally finished a really fun job for my church that I so enjoyed working on. Our parish is building a new church that is due to be finished on 12/12/12 and the cross on top of the church will be going up in a few weeks and my artwork is going inside of the cross as a kind of "time capsule" and will be signed at the bottom of the scroll with my artwork by over 2,000 parishioners. The prayer is the Apostle's Creed and the scrollwork was such fun to work on I used a gold calligraphy pen to touch up the leaves and the outline of the cross. I will also be featured in our upcoming church bulletin:) You never know where your creativity will take you, do you?:)


  1. Wow, these are so great. Your friend is going to love that print. TFS.

  2. OH wow Michelle, these are both so gorgeous! The first is so pretty and the second so professional!

    Hope life is treating you well honey! I've been a lickle ickle unwell - yes, feeling very sorry for myself! But much better today, just in time for all the xmas work lunches starting up!

  3. Michelle - love your creations!!!
