Monday, February 20, 2012


Here is another Sneek Peek at Coral, I have been trying desperately to get my creative mojo back in action and besides my weekly freebies I have had a little bit of creativity that I managed to squeeze out of myself.

I hate this feeling of such creative "dryness" I've gone thru worse times before this. I remember a few years ago I went 4 months without creating anything so this is nothing compared to that!

Anyhow, please keep me in your prayers that it comes back soon because I REALLY miss it! Until then here is another peek at Coral, she's almost finished! Yay!


  1. I love this image. I can't wait for her to be done.
    I'll be praying for your creative mojo to return.
    I'll have a fun card to share tomorrow.

  2. Oh Michelle - you are talented and wonderful, and it will come back! I hope you are relaxing and enjoying life in the meantime! Sending you a hug! xoxo

  3. Thank you Rhonda and Jenn, you guys are the best, I appreciate the prayers and hugs:) Cant wait to see your card Rhonda!

  4. Oh, there's nothing worse than the dryness.....I know it well. I pray you get a boost soon. And when you do, you'll be brimming over so fully you won't be able to stop the creativity!!
