Sunday, April 29, 2012


Happy Sunday everyone! My computer troubles are over thank goodness. My Mac completely died and I had no access to Photoshop except at Kinko's and I was getting super discouraged. But last week a friend of mine gave me her old PC and I was able to load Photoshop Elements on it and at least work on my digital stamp designs.
On Friday, I found a PC at the Salvation Army store for $50 and it had a ton of memory on the Hard Drive so I couldnt pass it up. I didnt know what programs were on it but something just told me to buy it and when I hooked it up it had Photoshop and Illustrator and In-Design! The complete design package was on it! 

Needless to say, I am grateful for being able to work in color again! I wanted to share this sketch of "Our Lady of Lordes" that I will be coloring in pink, blue and white. I have drawn at least 5 sketches of her in my sketchbook before I drew the perfect one and this is her! I hope you like her:)


  1. So glad your computer problems are solved Michelle!! And wow what a beautiful & stunning design - she is truly amazing!!

  2. I'm in need of a new imac too. Mine isn't at the point of dieing, it's just so out dated.

  3. Can't wait to purchase this DIGI, Michelle......let us know when it's available ! Glad your computer problems are solved !

  4. I'm glad you were able to find a computer, what an amazing find with all those programs on it already. Yay!!

    Your sketch is beautiful.

  5. Oh, Thank you, Sharon, it is wonderful to have Photoshop again!

    Hi Holly, I had a G3 with OS9 for over 10 years that I loved but it died:(

    Hi Jan, I will definately let you know when she's available! Yes, I am so grateful for my new computers, thank you:)

    I know, Rhonda, it was such a great week and how cool that all the programs I needed were on this Mac:) Thank you, I'm glad you like my sketch of Our Lady of Lourdes:)

  6. Hi Michelle, what a beautiful image you have drawn, I love it, she is beautiful, love Carole Lockhart Stuart. :)XXX. -/--

  7. Hi Michelle, wow what a lovely image, I love her, she is beautiful, love, Carole Lockhart Stuart. :)XXX

  8. Hi Michelle, wow what a lovely image, she is so beautiful, I love her, love Carole Lockhart Stuart. :)XXX
