Monday, April 15, 2013


Hi everyone! I am so happy that I have finally had some time this weekend to create again! Petsitting has been so very busy, which is a good thing, but not for my creativity:)

I have been trying to make my Sundays truly The Lord's Day lately, to rest, read my bible and go to church.

One thing I have been doing is to choose a scripture verse from my bible and illustrate it. I have a couple of faith journals and a sketchbook that I keep all my favorite verses. There are so many beautiful ones but yesterday I chose this one from Isaiah 58:11, "He will renew your strength and you shall be like a watered garden." Don't you love this one? I know when I am true to my faith and keep close to God and to prayer I truly feel like a watered garden, so true isnt it?

Hope you like this one!



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