Sunday, June 16, 2013


 Happy Sunday and a Happy Father's Day to all of you who are celebrating today.

I had today off and am playing in my sketchbook with some watercolors and glitter. I have been really enjoying painting, coloring and inking and glittering these little ACEO paintings lately.

I'm sorry that the photos are a bit fuzzy, I'm taking pictures with my camera because I wanted to make sure the glitter showed but I cant get them into focus very well since they are pretty tiny:) Hugs, Michelle


  1. Love them Michelle! GReat bright colours - makes me feel cheery in this cold weather!!! Love the glitter too!!

  2. Thank you, Sharon, I'm glad these little paintings warmed you up, thank you so much for your nice comments and as always your support is so very much appreciated!

  3. Wow, these are terrific. I love the sparkle.

  4. Thank you, Rhonda, I am so obsessed with Stickles Diamond glitter glue these days:)
