Wednesday, June 26, 2013

WOYWW - JUNE 26, 2013

I found such a wonderfully creative blog a few weeks ago called, Peggy Apl Seeds, Peggy is an artist who lives in the Philippines and shares her Prayer Journal pages, ATC's and other creative and inspiring artwork.

I looked for a link on her blog to her Etsy shop or website and there was none. I dont know for sure but I think she just posts for the love of her creativity, her faith and to share with others. To me that is such a foreign concept since I have had my art business for the last 9 years and everyday I am thinking about marketing, blogging, posting and have almost lost the true meaning of why I create my art, because I love it, its me and it always will be even when it changes and when sometimes I feel like creating something with scripture or when I draw angels with rosy cheeks or cakes with daisies on them.

I have to tell you how inspiring the concept of just creating art for the sake of creating felt to me, I almost couldnt believe there was an artist with a blog not selling anything! Every Wednesday, Peggy makes a post on her blog called, "What's on your workdesk Wednesday" WOYWW and links it up on the Stamping Ground Blog. So I thought I would have a little fun and do something different today and link my little post, too.

I'm working on my butterfly flower cake digital stamp image, its a bit faint but you can see the pencil outlines. Also, I painted a couple more ACEO's over the weekend. One is inspired by Christmas in July. I'm also working on my class project for Monday's art class that I am teaching for the summer (not ready yet, so its not in the photo:)) Thank you, Peggy, so very much for your inspiration and creativity. And also to Patsy, who I think is Peggy's sister, your blog has the most beautiful things to inspire anyone's soul, too:)


  1. I so love the great creative aspect of seeing what everyone works on during the WOYWW. Totally admire your work. It's great to see you posting.



  2. The face of the person in your picture is so sweet. Isn't it great to get inspiration from others?
    April #138

  3. Your ACEOs are beautiful and I can't wait to see the finished cake.

  4. Welcome to woyww... it is indeed fun to 'mix' the 'commercial' part of your creativity with the nurturing and loving 'for fee' part every now and then... Have a creative week! Happy ~ belated ~ woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #91

  5. G'day Michelle
    Just dropping by late for WOYWW...I'm always late! Welcome to WOYWW. Love your bright. Hope to come back and see more of it :o)
    Annette In Oz #23

  6. Welcome to WOYWW? you've already experienced the inspiration from Peggy and Patsy..there's bucket loads of us who blog our stuff just for the fun of it and the continuing sense of community..still fun after four years. love your colourful art, very cheer making!

  7. Hello again! What a wonderful surprise to see my name and yes, my sister Peggy's name on your post! Tell you what, Michelle, we have a gift shop, and we have been designing gifts and decorative accessories for so many years no, ever since we were young. It's named papemelroti, and it's from our names- PAtsy, PEggy, MELdy, RObert and TIna! So we do sell our art! When you love what you do, the joy shines through- I can tell you love what you do, same as we do! Blessings! patsy
