Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I wanted to post "Rosie" today because I have been journaling alot lately about my dreams and goals.

Every one of my dreams is very precious to me and I have decided that I need to take them seriously and actually do more to make them into goals by taking steps to get myself closer to them.

I keep saying that I am going to submit my art to more companies for licensing and haven't done that for a while, so that is going to be my priority along with creating more art of course!

What are your goals? What are your dreams? I'd love to hear! :)


  1. My goals: a beautiful life with my hisband, my family...a baby...I want to be an artist, I wnat to live with my creations, I want to be a woman full of energy...for the moment...:O) and you?

  2. I would love to have my illustrations published in a children's book. I will be actively seeking out publishers and trust me, I'm plenty nervous, lol!
    other than that, just to be the best Mom, wife, aunt, friend that I can be :)

  3. My goals are, living life to the fullest.Possible accomplishing some good things in art.Im a nurse so it takes me some time to think and do what I like.But I guess thats the fun of it.Enjoying my girls is one I love even though both are in there 20s now and out of the house.Nice blog idea!

  4. Stefania,

    I LOVE your goals, much of them are mine as well! You already ARE an artist, my friend:)


    I already picture all of your lovely work in a childrens book and I know your art will be sought out by publishers everywhere! You are already a beautiful friend!


    You already are accomplishing good things with your creativity. It shows in your blog and being a nurse is such a giving profession that we need more of that in this world! Thank you for sharing your lovely goals!


  5. My goals are to see my four teens raised to handle life to hte best of their ability, to be a good wife to my husband for the next set of 20 years, and to improve in every area of my life...including my artwork!

  6. Awesome goals uneek, thank you for sharing them.

    I love your Wizard of Oz dolls!
