Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have to tell you all that you have SO inspired me this morning with all of your lovely goals and comments on my last post. Wow, you guys are amazing thank you for sharing your wonderful dreams with us!

To Stefania,
I LOVE your goals, much of them are mine as well! You already ARE a beautiful artist, my friend, :)

To Jennifer,
I already picture all of your lovely work in a childrens book and I know your art will be sought out by publishers everywhere! You are already a beautiful friend!

To Becky,
You already are accomplishing good things with your creativity. It shows in your blog and being a nurse is such a giving profession that we need more of that in this world! Thank you for sharing your lovely goals!

As for me, my goal is to have my art bought world-wide and licensed with a company/companies that will market it all over the world on different high quality products.

I want to share happiness, love and inspiration to the world thru my art.

I would like to be a positive role model for young girls all over the world.

To be in love again and to be married to a wonderful man.

To buy my mother a cute little cottage here in Corona Del Mar.

Thanks you guys for sharing your goals, we need to do that more often. Doesnt it feel great?!?
(Here is a little friendship and encouragement for all of you from "Sisters of Spring")

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