Saturday, June 13, 2009


We have all heard, "Follow your heart" many times and as artists we hear it in our inner creative self even more than most people.
This week I had a bad fall on one of my dogwalks, right on my knee (with a knee fracture) and am now currently on crutches, (with a huge knee brace!) but will be fine.
I keep asking myself, why this happened now, after 10 years of petsitting and dogwalking with never any accidents. I have been asking myself all week what is the positive to this, because there always is.
I know that one great positive is that I have spent every day with my Mom, who I am so grateful for, and who is helping me with my dogwalks. We have been laughing and enjoying the doggies together and for that I am so grateful, laughter is of course the best medicine as you all know!
I also have been thinking that I have been complaining lately about not having enough art/creative time and well, now I have that! But more importantly, I think the reason this happened is that I have not been following my creative heart as I should be over the last few months.
So this week, I have come in contact with someone who would like me to illustrate a fairy book and has connections at 2 publishers. I also have a possible licensing opportunity. And I have been doing some rubber stamp designs (follow your heart illustration above).
I also made a list of my creative dreams which I plan to post where I can see them. Here are a few of mine, I would LOVE to hear yours, please share!
1. Rubber stamp designer
2. To license my art for figurines
3. To design a line of greeting cards for Papayrus
4. To license my art to Hallmark licensing and Department 56
5. To illustrate a book that I enjoy working on
Just a few of my creative dreams, what are yours?
Michelle :)


  1. Thank you so much, Clairedulalune!

    Michelle :)

  2. Hi Michelle! So sorry you took a bad flop and hurt your knee :o(
    As far as your dream list goes, you're a wonderful artist, and I can easily see them all coming true! Good luck with your newest opportunity! How exciting!!! Smiles, Paulette :o)

  3. Paulette,

    Thank you so much, you are a beautiful artist as well. Your hearts are so yummy I want to eat them up like candy!


    Michelle :)

  4. Hi Michelle, thanks so much for your visit, really happy you enjoyed the kitties, 3 legs or 4. Best wishes to you for getting your work published ! I guess that's my creative dream too, although it seems like such a long shot. There are so many amazing photographers out there... One just has to follow one's heart...

  5. Hi Michelle, thanks for dropping by and I appreciate your comment. I was reading your list of dreams and you are good enough, your art fabulous enough, for them all to come true! I just love your work.

  6. Hi Michelle! Congrats on all your accomplishments so far! Looks like your dreams are already at your grasp! That's fabulous! Wishing you more continued success! Hope you have a speedy recovery!

    Lisa :)

  7. Hope you are healing! WoW, we could be soul sisters, I have the same dreams.
    I gave you an award, come over and pick it up!

  8. Sorry about your fall-ten years with no accidents, I trip daily, born with the clumsy gene! It is so great that you find the positive in all situations. May all of your dreams come true!

  9. Michelle... Your creative dreams are very exciting and with your talent I believe you will reach some of those goals! Believe ~ you can make it happen!!
    I am sending healing wishes for your knee injury.

  10. Thank you all so much! Your kind words will truly help heal me so much faster! Thank you all for you inspirational words and creative work!

    Big Hugs!

    Michelle :)

  11. Michelle, I'm so glad to have found your blog-your work is beautiful, and I haven't even taken a look at all of it yet- just the sketch of the girl hugging the moon told me that I love what you do! I also loved reading your goals. I have just begun to set goals for myself and I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but know that this is something I need to do for my soul! I will definately be following your blog and wishing you tons of success!

  12. thank you so much, Kelly and much success to you as well, your work is amazing!

    Michelle :)
