Sunday, August 30, 2009


As the temperature rises high in the 90's here, I can't stop thinking about Halloween, my favorite holiday, which is right around the corner!

Vanessa from "A Fanciful Twist" is hosting a huge Halloween party (A Hauntingly Magical Celebration!) on her blog October 17th and I am participating along with lots of other wonderful blogs. Which means we are all going to be having a Halloween party at our own blogs as well and can blog hop to each other on that day. I will be holding a Halloween party here so please be sure to visit!

I am so inspired by Vanessa's blog everyday but all of her Halloween images has me hungry for candy corn and chocolate!

I posted my little, "Candy the Happy Halloween Witch" as a digital stamp a couple of weeks ago and will be posting her as a print this week.

Oh, how I long for the crisp October evenings, the Halloween decorations, scary music and the costumes and my favorite, the spooky movies with a big bowl of popcorn! (and a few candy corn and Reese's cups thrown in for fun! :))

Happy Early Halloween everyone! Will you be dressing up? What will your little one's be wearing this year? I'd love to know!

Michelle :)

To participate in the fun, visit Vanessa's magical blog:


  1. Your digital stamps are fantastic! I cant wait for halloween! I want to go dressed up as Amy winehouse, dear god, dont ask me why! LOL!

  2. You should have been here in Northeastern Ohio today Michelle. The high was 65 degrees and will get down into the 50's overnight. The highest temp they are calling for this week is 75 degrees. My daughter and son-in-law always dress my granddaughter up for Halloween. Can't wait to see her costume this year. Last year she was a kangaroo. Fall is my favorite time of the year. Crisp fall air, leaves changing color, hot chocolate, popcorn, hot dog roasts. I'd better stop, I'm making myself hungry.

  3. Thanks, Claire! You crack me up!

    Michelle :)

  4. Oh, Terri, you are so lucky you guys are having great weather. But I really cant complain, its been below normal for most of the summer here.

    You'll have to take pictures of your granddaughter in her costume.

    Its my favorite time of year, too, cant wait!

    Michelle :)

  5. I do love the fall. Can't get here soon enough! I usually take my dried fall leafs out and make a vase full to put on the mantle. I asked Mr. Dragon if he thought Sept 1 was too early to do that!
    Bring it on!

  6. Hi Michelle,

    I am already quietly excited about Autumn, it is already feeling quite Autumnal here, the evenings are drawing in and it's getting cooler, on and off. I have bought Brett a pumpklin costume just this morning at the car boot and a little black cat which will be accessorising somewhere. I think i may try and join the party so will get my thinking cap on and see what i can come up with :-)

  7. I say get everything out tomorrow, Snap! The sooner the better so you can enjoy them all longer!

    Michelle :)

  8. Kerri, That pumpkin costume sounds adorable with the black cat. How cute is he going to look in that?!? Cant wait to see pictures!

    Michelle :)

  9. Hi, your art is amazing! It makes me want to be surrounded with little children and read them fairy tales! Or... take a look at my own old fairy tale books:)

  10. Hi Michelle! Thanks for visiting my blog and follow me! I was looking around yours and it's pretty amazing and enchanting... Good luck!

  11. Hello!
    I love fairy´s .You art is amazing!!Thanks you follow my blog .I now follof your blog.I but you link to my sidebar.Gan i?

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog Michelle and for your kind words. Your work is enchanting - Happy Fall!

  13. thank you Michelle for visiting my blog and congratulations on your 1 year blog-versary! your art is so charming; I love your fairies!
