Monday, September 7, 2009


Hello dear friends,
Tomorrow is my one year blog anniversary and I wanted to tell you all how grateful I am to have all of you as friends and followers of my blog. It is because of you that I have been here for one year.
The other day I was in Michaels and found a new journal (my new obsession!) This one will be my new gratitude journal. It reads, "wake and be thankful...See the good in every day" which is exactly how I feel every day I come to my blog.
As I look back on the last year of blogging here I am reminded of all of my creative highs and not so highs! :) But because I have had the support of my friends here on a daily basis, I am here on the eve of my first year of blogging.
The creative support and friendship I have found thru my blog, the opportunities that have come to me and the new direction I have found to take my art in has been immeasurable to me as an artist. I swore to myself I will "never give up" on my art until I have reached my idea of success. Some days my dreams are bigger than others, but still they are my creative dreams!
In the last year I have recieved opportunities to write articles for online magazines, have my artwork licensed, and design work that I love. I have also found a new life for my art and creativity designing rubber stamps and I know the next year will be even better for me and of course for all of you who have been with me thru it all.
I cant even begin to tell you how special you make me feel with your beautiful comments every time I post. It has given me motivation and strength that is priceless to any artist. You have given me even more reason to be grateful that I am an artist.
Thank you all for being such lovely friends. I appreciate all of you so much. You have all helped save my creative life!
Michelle :)


  1. So nice to stop by for an update Michelle, i so look forward to your blog posts and have missed you lately for all that we have been in touch. I am glad to hear that you are feeling so much more positive, Happy Blog Anniversary and here's to the forthcoming weeks, months and even year. Lots of creative love and hugs x

  2. Thank you, Michelle, for sharing all your ups and downs with us. Happy Blogoversary and here's to many more!

  3. Happy Anniversary. Your blog is one of my favorites. I love stopping by to see what you have been up to. Wishing you another great year.

  4. Wow - congrats on your anniversary in blogging and so glad you are sharing your thoughts and arts with us. I'm just beginning on my creative journey and so thankful for all those who share, inspire and care enough to support each other! Looking forward to more posts on your blog and great job for keeping it up :P

  5. Wow! Congratulations on your Blogoversary! I love the idea of the gratitude journal too. Keep up the good work because you do inspire us!

  6. Hi Michelle,
    It's a joy to visit your blog and to hear you so upbeat all the time. Life is good and we should all appreciate what we have.
    Fiona x

  7. Happy Blogaversary Michelle. I haven't been with you long but I love your blog.
    Lesley x

  8. Thank you all so much for your wonderful support. I put you all first in my gratitude journal today! I cant thank you enough for your kind and beautiful words, today and everyday! So glad you all can be with me to celebrate my special day!

    Hugs and Lots of Love,

    Michelle :)

  9. Happy blogiversary. I just had mine a little over a month ago. I agree that this is a great creative outlet and it has been so much fun to 'meet' so many creative people.

  10. AMAZING to read Michelle! NEVER EVER GIVE UP! KEEP GOING!!!!xoxoxoxo:) Luv and Light to you and your success!!!
