Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I hope everyone is having a wonderful "back to school" week and getting some well deserved creative time.

I have been swamped with petsitting over the holiday weekend so I was glad to be back to a normal schedule this week. I was craving my little sketchbook and drawing so badly!

I drew a little "Queen of Hearts" birthday girl and am going to make her into a digital stamp. I was inspired by Alice in Wonderland and was sketching Alice and her friends at the Mad Tea Party. The inspiration from these sketches jumped onto the next page and I began drawing my little cupcake queen with her crown of hearts.

I cant tell you how much I love designing my digital stamps. I am happier than I have been creatively in such a long time and always love sketching but now it seems like ideas are almost flowing thru me now. Its like magic! Dont you love it when that happens?!?

I'm also finishing inking some Christmas fairy stamp designs for a company in Florida, she will have my other fairy stamp designs and my bio posted this week, so I will let you know when I'm on her website. Really excited about that!

What are you guys working on this week? Any new cards? sketches? paintings? scultptures? Did you find any magic in your sketchbook? Would love it if you'd share, that is my favorite thing, hearing about the wonderful enchantment of creative inspiration in all of you!

Michelle :)


  1. What a perfect sketch for a little girl's birtday. She is so cute. I spent time in my workroom today creating cards for 2 challenges. Also made a card for my granddaughters birthday. You can see them on my blog.

  2. What an adorable image! My mojo hit a wall today so I only got a few things done in my craft room. I'm cleaning it now (the craft room - not my mojo) so maybe that'll help. :o)

  3. every time i visit i'm more & more in love with your art.
    what a talent!!!

  4. Check out my Mad Hatters Tea Party photos on Facebook when you get a chance. Great to see the queen of hearts and to hear that your overwhelmed with inspiration. It's all happening :)

  5. Wonderful illustration! It definitely seems like magic. I've been practicing a bit of whimsy illustration as well and it's super fun to create little characters. I've been swamped with freelance work, but hoping to get some paintings done soon!

  6. Hurray for the the new digi and I am so excited to see the Christmas fairy!

    I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear that you are happy and that your mojo is magically flowing.

    Have a wonderful creative day ~ Smiles,


  7. Michelle,

    Miss Queen of Hearts/cupcakes is adorable! I haven't been creative since Rocky left us. I've been reading -- brain candy! I do have a few WIP's going -- needlework mostly.

  8. I love Alice in Wonderland! Your sketch is awesome! I love your work!

  9. Oh, my gosh, I am overwhelmed with your comments! I am so happy to hear that you have such wonderful creative energy this week whether it be cleaning, reading, cardmaking, sketching, reading and everything that makes you happy. That is really the most wonderful creative endevor, happiness thru creativity!

    You guys are wonderful to me. Thank you so much for your beautiful comments! Much creative love to you all today and everyday!

    Michelle :)

  10. Thanks for the kind words you left on my blog. It is wonderful getting so much support from other crafters. I'm so thankful for my hubbie. He gives me a lot of support and inspires me daily. I also have been very fortunate to make so many friends in person and online through my crafting.

  11. Michelle, I need to get by your blog more..this is the cutest sketch..I think it is going to make the sweetiest stamp :) how perfect for V-Day :)

    p.s. I am trying to hook you up with the blog winners and am having problems. Just wanted to let you know that both of them are trying to reach you if they have not already.

  12. Hi,I stumbled across your blog today and I'm really happy that I did. I love your creations. you are very talented. Congratulation on your 1 year blog anniversary and I hope that you will be here for many years to come. I will follow your blog from now on.
    I'm from South Africa and would love you to pop over to my blog to see my creations.

    Kind regards
    Adele James
    Craft u Crazy
    South Africa

  13. Hi there I just stumbled across your blog! I love it when I come across a new artist that inspires me! I love your work and your style, such vibrant and colourful work!!! I've just completed my 100th post and only started blogging this year. I love this new world I have found that is filled with so much creativity and talent!! I am now going to be come a follower, nice to meet you!!! :0)

  14. She's adorable!! :)

    Love the sketch!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Oh she's cute- can't wait til she's all ready to colour in!!
