Friday, October 9, 2009


As some of you may know, I am a big believer in the power of an affirmation and have an affirmation journal that I write in when I can and have started posting my favorites on my fridge and next to my bed so I see them often.

For some reason, about a month ago, I was drawn to an book on my shelf that a friend gave me about 5 years ago called, Holy Moly Maceroli, about a woman and her card making buisness. One of my favorite books.

I opened it up to a page with an affirmation from the artist Janet Ghio. She posted this affirmation that she had written while doing The Artists Way, a great book which helped me creatively very much in my life.

I loved her words and wanted to post it here. I have really never thought of myself as making a living as an artist. Sounds weird but I never has really said the words, "I make my living as an artist. " I have been using her words lately and a funny thing has happened. I have been selling more work little by little and have been given more opportunities for my work that I never have thought of before.

I would love you guys to have this and post it on your blogs if you like, I think these words are very powerful. For me, the one thing I want in my life is to make a living as an artist so I will be thinking that way from now on!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! I have my booth at the Art Faire in San Juan Capistrano tomorrow and will be taking the rest of the weekend off, so I will see you Tuesday!


Michelle :)


  1. I must star now! I'll take your advice, and from now on star thinking i can live as an artist...
    thanks for the thought..

    and many days of great inspiration for U.. keep creating and surprising us!


  2. Great proclaimation! I must have a look for that book, sounds like it might be interesting.

  3. I love the affirmation. Good luck and, above all, have fun at the Art Faire in San Juan Capistrano tomorrow.

  4. What a beautiful affirmation. I have never claimed to be an artist, but maybe I should start thinking like one. Thanks for sharing this wonderful sentiment. Good luck at the Art Faire.

  5. One good affirmation deserves another --- you're not just an artist, you're a FANTASTIC artist! Hugs! :o)

  6. WOW ! I like this blog very much !
    Great decoration

  7. Thank you for voting for which one of my artworks should be the next free giveaway!

    The giveaway is now officially under way!
    The rules are REALLY SIMPLE.
    All I ask is to give me an idea for a new art work! The winner will be selected via random number generator.

  8. You guys are awesome, thank you all for your lovely words, I appreciate them so much!

    Michelle :)

  9. I have read on the beneficial effects of positive affirmation. In fact, aside from posting and reading positive affirmations boosting my confidence,I also read several lines telling me that I feel fine(especially after ordering antidepmeds at due to my depression my confidence has been flagging lately, but because of my belief in positive affirmation, I am able to cope better with my moods now.

  10. Wow how applicable is this!!???
    thank you for sharing- I have just popped a note on my blog about your quote and a link to your blogspot- hope thats ok??
    best fairy wishes
    leonie :-)
    - aka purplefairylady1
