Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hello my dear friends. I hope your week is full of creativity and enchantment!

I recieved this lovely award from Jill at Just Me Jill, a talented and inspiring artist, that will inspire you and make you smile when you visit her blog: and would like to thank her for thinking of me.

I am supposed to tell 7 things about myself and then pass it on to 7 others but I am going to pass it on to ALL of you. I think you all deserve this more than I do! You are the reason I blog, the reason I am excited to blog and the reason I am so inspired everytime I am here. (which I wish was alot more!) Your creative work and words of encouragement and inspiration always mean so much to me.

So congratulations everyone, this is YOUR blog award! Post it proudly on your blog and dont forget to tell 7 things about yourself, (I LOVE that part!) I would love to hear the 7 things about you guys! Here are mine:

1. I love the rain and thunder

2. I love huge buttercream flowers on my birthday cake

3. I love a really great cup of coffee and writing in my journals every morning.

4. I love to meditate

5. I love the sound of water (ocean waves, waterfalls, rain)

6. I love animals

7. I love baseball


  1. Thanks for sharing this award with us Michelle. It is wonderful to receive encouragment from our fellow crafters.

    1. I love spending time with my

    2. I love to stamp, specially when
    I am with a group of friends.

    3. I love your blog. I receive a
    lot of inspiration from you.

    4. I love to read.

    5. I love fall. The colors are so

    6. I love to hear a nice soft rain.

    7. I love Ghosthunter, Bones and
    Law & Order.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing, Terri! (my favorite is #3!:))) Congratulations on your award, you certainly deserve it for your lovely work!

    Michelle :)

  3. Congrats on your award! You deserve it. You have a great blog!

  4. Congratulations on the award. It is always fun to learn more about blogging buddies. Thanks for the link. I "need" another blog to follow! ;D ;D ;D

  5. Thank you, Deb. You deserve this as well, your blog and your work are so inspiring! Thank you for stopping by!

    Michelle :)

  6. Hi Snap!

    You will LOVE Jill's blog! I love this list, too, I like to hear more about my blog buddies too!

    Great to see you!

