Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Happy Voting day to those of you in the USA!
I just listed my newest image at my Etsy shop called, "Rudolph" and I never would have created him if it werent for the mice in my apartment:(

I found evidence on Friday last week of little critters in my apartment so I have been cleaning furiously everywhere especially in my closet. I found one of my old sketchbooks that were loaded with Christmas images and  a tiny sketch of Rudolph that I thought would make a really pretty stamp design.

I think the mice are gone but I'm grateful for them because I never would have found Rudolph hiding in my closet inside the pages of my sketchbook!


  1. I love this image. I'm glad you found your sketch book.

  2. Thank you Rhonda, I am so glad I found it too:) I cant wait to see what you do with little Rudolph:)

    Thank you so much, Sharon!

    Thank you, Shelley!
