Thursday, November 8, 2012


Happy Thursday everyone! What a crazy week this has been. Nothing bad, just so many unexpected bumps in the road of life but thankfully all the stuff that was thrown at me has worked out for the better and have turned into blessings. I love it when that happens:)

One blessing was that I have been home this week, no overnights with any doggies so I've had extra time to work in my sketchbook, my favorite thing, and happily I have completely filled up this wonderful sketchbook that my friend Jamie gave me and had to buy another one which I will be breaking in tonight!

I was going thru my art books and found this gorgeous angel painting by Edward Burne-Jones, called "The Angel." and it inspired me to create this little angel, I'm naming her "Noel." I just cant get enough of angels and Christmas these days and am working on a Nativity sketch too:) I hope to work on Noel this weekend, I will be home all next week as well and will get lots of creative time in (fingers crossed:))

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Sounds like you have had an interesting week Michelle!!! Glad you got some drawing done - I just love your "Noel" Angel sketch - beautiful!! Will she be in the store in time for Xmas?????????

  2. Oh your sketch is beautiful... would love to own her in my MP digi collection :o)
    Diane x

  3. Thank you Sharon, yes, she will be in the shop hopefully this weekend:)

    Hi Diane, thank you so much:)

    Hi Brandi! Thank you so nice to see you!
