Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Happy WOYWW! I'm sorry that my pics are a bit dark, we have had lots of cloudy weather in CA these days but that's a nice change and it makes it so much cooler dogwalking:)

The top two pictures are of some rubber stamp sets that I'm getting ready to post in my Etsy shop as well as my lesson plan notes for my Art class that I am teaching for the summer. This week I taught the kids how to draw a cute dog and it seemed like a real crowd pleaser:)

The next shot is of some more ACEO's that I painted over the weekend as well as my next digital stamp design, a set of Seashell Angels.

And this last pic is of a new digital stamp called, "Butterfly Birthday Cake" that I hope to list by the end of this week, just putting some last minute touches on it. I think that's it for this week, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Your ACEO's are so pretty. Thank you for sharing. April #107

  2. really fantastic artwork! Have a great crafty week!! HappY WOyWw


  3. Hi Michelle, I love the witch! Happy WOYWW. Your stamps look lovely.

    Cazzy x #123

  4. Hi Michelle,
    I have been a follower for some time and now just realized your in Orange County. I'm about 100 miles north of you, small world.
    Great desk and I want to add a special thank you for all the freebies.
    Krisha #4
