Friday, July 5, 2013


I hope you all enjoyed your Fourth of July celebrations yesterday. I found so many wonderful blogs last week and since I have been having so much fun the last 2 weeks posting for What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, I thought I would try my hand at Word Art Wednesday (as well as #Tell His Story (see badge link below)).

WAW has challenges with scripture art and these days my sketchbook is so full of that so I thought I would take their scripture for this week from Psalm 33 and make something in honor of our country with a stars and stripes theme.

I drew an ink sketch first and then made an ink/watercolor and colored pencil illustration and had so much fun playing!

Since my "reversion" back to my faith two years ago, after over 30 years, I started reading the Bible for the first time in my life and actually got a free paperback bible of the New Testament at (of all places) Angel Stadium in Anaheim, CA on Good Friday 2011. A local church was giving them out at the game so I said, "Sure, I'll take one." I remember that I just could not wait to go home and read it and when I did the words spoke so deeply to my heart and my soul immediately, I knew my life would change and now that I know what is expected of me as a Catholic Christian, there is no going back and I couldn't be happier. My faith journey is really just getting started but I have loved every minute of it. So when I came across Word Art Wednesday I had to create something!

Here is the scripture for this week:

The scripture for this week is Psalm 33:12.
Blessed is the nation 
whose God is the Lord,
and the people whom
he hath chosen
for his own inheritance.

I hope you enjoy my humble little drawings and I hope to be able to play along again soon!




  1. Michelle, I love what you did with the scripture and I pray God's blessing on you as you continue to live for HIM and seek HIM.

  2. What a wonderful version of this week's scripture. I hope the post and challenge were a blessing to you as your art is to me! Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings to you,
    Word Art Wednesday

  3. Hi Michelle, it is so nice to meet you! I tried answering your comment through email but you are a no reply blogger. I too am a Catholic Christian. I am so glad the words in the Bible spoke to you. I paint bible verses so that the Word of God will grow mightily in me. I have such a poor memory that before even if I prayed in the morning and read the Word, I would forget it at 10am! I so enjoy looking at your pretty drawings! "Enchanted" is the right word! I'm going to wander about your blog now cause looking at your colorful work makes me happy! patsy
