We have all heard, "Follow your heart" many times and as artists we hear it in our inner creative self even more than most people.
This week I had a bad fall on one of my dogwalks, right on my knee (with a knee fracture) and am now currently on crutches, (with a huge knee brace!) but will be fine.
I keep asking myself, why this happened now, after 10 years of petsitting and dogwalking with never any accidents. I have been asking myself all week what is the positive to this, because there always is.
I know that one great positive is that I have spent every day with my Mom, who I am so grateful for, and who is helping me with my dogwalks. We have been laughing and enjoying the doggies together and for that I am so grateful, laughter is of course the best medicine as you all know!
I also have been thinking that I have been complaining lately about not having enough art/creative time and well, now I have that! But more importantly, I think the reason this happened is that I have not been following my creative heart as I should be over the last few months.
So this week, I have come in contact with someone who would like me to illustrate a fairy book and has connections at 2 publishers. I also have a possible licensing opportunity. And I have been doing some rubber stamp designs (follow your heart illustration above).
I also made a list of my creative dreams which I plan to post where I can see them. Here are a few of mine, I would LOVE to hear yours, please share!
1. Rubber stamp designer
2. To license my art for figurines
3. To design a line of greeting cards for Papayrus
4. To license my art to Hallmark licensing and Department 56
5. To illustrate a book that I enjoy working on
Just a few of my creative dreams, what are yours?
Michelle :)