I was sneaking in a little sketch time the other day, I havent had much time for that in the last week. I started to draw a goddess which turned into an angel which then turned into a fairy!!:)
I liked the direction this sketch was going but I knew it wasnt quite right so I left it until the evening and worked on it until I was satisfied with it as a fairy! The name Willow came to me right away so that is what she will be called!
I found this quote by Rumi and love it alot but not sure if its the right match for Willow, I have been writing some quotes of my own to go with her but still havent seemed to get the right one to go with her. I think she has the potential to be a very special digital stamp and needs the perfect sentiment/quote!!:) I know I'll figure it out!!:) Hope you like the new sketch!:)