I just finished another rubber stamp design for the Angel Company! I love that they wanted a regular size/plus size angel and not a size 2!!
They are so easy to work with and they have loved all of my designs so far, its an artists dream job really!! I cant wait to get my next assignment!
I hope you like this one!:)
OMGosh....I absolutely love this one!! How fun is that!?! What a perfect friend card!!!!
Hi Michelle...All three of these angels are over the top adorable! I'm sure the whole set will be a top seller for Angel Co. I'll be looking forward to seeing the whole set. Love getting the previews! Love your talent!!
Oh Michelle, I'm loving these stamps for the Angel Company.
Gorgeous! I will definitely be watching for this release! :)
OOOOOOHOO this is brilliant, Michelle:O) Keep them comming!!!! I love your regular sizs/ plus size too;O) They look amaazing!!!! When do you put them out for sale?
Hugs, Nancy;O)
Michelle, I love this angel image!!! It is good to see a plus size stamp too.lol...
Michelle- I ADORE this one! What a wonderful feeling it gives off!!!
Thank you, Tammy! I'm so glad you like it!
Hi Kathy! Oh, thank you so much, I hope they are top sellers! I appreciate that!!:)
Thanks, Rhonda!! I'm glad you like them!!:)
Hi Kimberly! Thank you!! I will let you know when they are released!!:)
Hi Nancy! Thank you! I love that they want plus size too!! the catalog comes out in June but I dont have the exact date but will let you know!!:)
Hi Pattie! Thank you!! isnt that great that they dont want a skinny minny!!:)
Hi Alex! Thank you! that is so nice to hear! I'm so glad you get a good feeling from it!:)
Hi Michelle! No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth... just been dealing with some "stuff." Life gets that way sometimes. (sigh)
I think your angels are AMAZING!!! Of course, I love everything you do. (smile)
Talk to you soon...
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