Carpe Diem. (Seize the Day) Last night I was watching the movie, "Roxanne" with Steve Martin and Darryl Hannah (a really cute one!) and Steve's character mentioned these words.
How often do we actually do that? How often do we wake up and live this day as it was our last? I try to get out of bed everyday with enthusiasm and usually do because I get to work on my art everyday and that immediately gets me in a great mood. But this morning I thought, what could I do today that would make it special? What do I keep putting off that I need to do? How can I make this day one that I take hold of and at the end of the day say that I truly lived!
I immediately made a list and thought that I have so been putting off submitting my work to licensing companies so I found 2 online today that I am going to submit to right when I finish this post!
As I was out walking dogs today, I smiled at everyone I met and said hello. I kissed every one of my little doggies and told them that I loved them and thanked them for being good kids today!
On my walks today I said thank you for all that I have in my life, my lovely mother, my brothers, my good friends, my art, my peppermint mocha coffee, my food, my strong legs that took me on my walks and to the gym today and all of the wonderful people who comment on my blog everyday. I am grateful for all of you!
I am going to have fun making a collage tonight that I have been putting off for months! And of course, I will be working on Peppermint fairy and going to bed a happy and inspired little girl! :)