Here is "Autumn", now available as an 8 x 10 Print at my etsy shop!
Michelle :)
My blog is a journal of my work as an artist.
I'm still tweaking the color but she's pretty much ready to spread Halloween Cheer!?! I cant spread any scary cheer so she has to be a cheerful witch :)
My friend Jamie came up with the best marketing idea (she is a creative genius by the way). I wanted to add a little print to the candy that I will be giving away on Halloween. Jamie suggested making a little card and attaching it with ribbon to the candy packaging. So that's what I'm doing. I will be making about 200 or so to give out to the kids in Orange County. I have friends that get alot of trick or treaters so they will get most of them!
Happy Halloween everyone! :)
I know I am supposed to be working on my Xmas Fairy this week but I have been so inspired by all of the wonderful Halloween illustrations that I had to do one myself.
I am working on a sketch of a cute little witch holding a Happy Halloween sign. I will be posting her this week but until then I hope you enjoy another little magical goddess, "Fire". Have a wonderful and creative day!
Michelle :)